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Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


As said above, the members of the team, but one, are faculties of the Math. Department of the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis. The individual teaching duties are as high as 196h/year, with lectures ranging from 1st to 5th year. It is worth pointing out that S. Junca and S. Krell are affiliated to ESPE/IUFM with quite specific teaching duties for the formation of teachers, ranging from K-grades to pre-university. Their duties include visiting classes and mentoring students in the preparation of memoirs with a high professional content. We indicate below the most advanced lectures in which we have been involved:

We are also at the initiative of creating a “Numerical Working Session” in the laboratory, which can be included in the doctoral formation. The session is based on the invitation of leading experts, with lectures completed by implementation exercises in order to learn new numerical methods (in 2014, the invited speakers are F. Boyer and F. Coquel).

Furthermore, team members have been invited for a couple of lectures abroad:
